Thursday, August 12, 2010


As I was sitting today watching a documentary of Mother Teresa, it so inspired me to really think about missions. What is missions? Is it just going to another country and helping them with a work? Is it just going somewhere else and preaching the Gospel? What is it? In listening to Mother Teresa and the call that she had on her life, to go to the poorest of the poor, to go where most Christians would not dare to live, much less visit. This inspired me to write. What does it mean to reach the unreached? Jesus said that before He returned, the Gospel of the Kingdom would be preached to every creature. Do we understand that there are still many in our world who have not heard the true Gospel once. When we think of missions we often think of going somewhere else, to another country. But what God has been speaking to me, is the fact that there is an unreached people group right here in our Ghettos. When ever an unreached people group is reached, the next step is to create a translation of the Bible in their own language. there are so many who, though they see Churches on every corner, those Churches, for the most part have not communicated the Gospel in the language of the people. Now I'm not talking about changing the Bible to make it comfortable for people, but to translate it in a way they understand. As many in our Ghettos cry out for help by way of crime, sex, drugs, and hopelessness, we as the Church need to take up the mantle of missions and begin to reach the unreached people groups in our hoods.
God bless

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