Friday, September 4, 2009

Reaching the generation before us.

Wat up Fam?
Let me start off by saying that I am just one of many who have given there lives to reach this current Hip-Hop generation. So I in no way want to come across as a know it all, but I do know some things that I can share and hopefully help in your efforts to reach this generation. The first thing that I would say is be real, be yourself, and be transparent. The one thing that the culture can smell is someone who does not care about them, someone who is not sincere. It does not take flash, and high tech ministry to reach the generation, it simply takes love. In order to love, we have to be willing to take a risk, and many times taking a risk is risky. when we say take a risk it means to do things that the average person would not do. What about letting a non Christian D.J. spin at one of your events, or really listening to what they have to say. Now let me make it clear, we are never called to compromise for the sake of winning the culture to Christ, but we are called to be merciful in our interactions with them. So that is what we did, we allowed a non Christian to spin at a B.Boy event we held at our ministry. He didnt play top 40 Hip-Hop but he did play breakbeats all night. What happened was crazy, it earned us the right to be heard, and that is what we want. The right to be heard. Just a couple of thoughts from the Underground. Keep moving forward, and remember we are called to connect the culture to the creator.